Monday, January 27, 2014

Leather Leggings!

I love liquid/faux leather leggings! They can add an edgy look to any outfit & really spice it up. You can pair them with a denim button down, graphic tee, or sheer blouse. Since Bella is going to a concert, I put her her in an American flag graphic tee.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

John the Jock

The second character look I did with John Boy was "Jock". He's sporting a OSU letterman jacket, white tee, OSU baseball cap, and medium wash denim. I still cant believe how amazing he looks!! Id cast him as a high school jock with this outfit :)

Just add a scarf

Bella's every day/ school look! It can be worn during winter with a scarf added , in order to keep warm.

Shoot with Up & Coming Actor John Pearson

Had so much fun shooting with the up and coming actor John Pearson. I decided to pull looks for him that'd he possibly audition for.

Johns style is .... Casual. Or sweats. Lol I had to alter his look a lot, but as an actor it is very impo
rtant to look the part. Your look can make or break you booking a role. Therefore, you must be as close in appearance to your character as possible.

His first look is punk, can't wait for you to see his other awesome looks!

Bella's Second Look

Check out Bellas "Date Night" Outfit. She looks smokin in a burgundy peacock feathered blouse, black A-line skirt, and black boots.

For all you actresses, this could also work for a "mean girl" look. It's preppy and really classy. I took Bella totally out of her element, but she looks AMAZING, && ending up loving this outfit.

Styling, Hair, Make Up by: Jamila Allen
Editing and Retouching by: Havilah Smith

Friday, January 10, 2014

Bella's Everyday Look

This is here look before I styled her. The after is a look she can wear everyday, to school or work. It's very casual and comfy yet cute. She is rocking a beige beanie, white lace tank, denim button up shirt, dark wash skinned, and taupe combat boots.

Can't wait for you guys to see her other looks!! 

My first photoshoot! Bella's Shoot Looks

My best friend Bella, came to me and asked for outfit advice. There's a new guy in her life and she just wanted to spice up her wardrobe. Bella is the absolute opposite of me , she's super chill, non flashy, and simplistic.

So I jumped at the chance to help! I pulled three looks for her.
 1)School days 
2) Date night 
3) Concert 

The main reason I started this business was to help actors for auditions. Dressing the role is a HUGE part of success in the business. You can be the most phenomenal actor but if they can't envision you in the role they may cast someone else , who looks more "the part". Therefore it is essential to looks as close to the character as possible, so there's no excuse for them to not book you! With my extensive fashion knowledge and acting experience, I am here to help take your career that much further.

I also do styling advice for other events such as the ones listed above. A good outfit can offset a good or bad night. You just want to feel confident and comfortable. There's nothing more sexy than confidence. For Bella, I wanted to make sure I still altered her style but made sure she still kept elements of herself in the outfits. I am SO excited to show you guys the looks! Pictures will be posted shortly .


Thursday, January 9, 2014

About Me

Bonjour Fashionistas! My name is Jamila Allen but you can call me Style Coach J. I have loved fashion since I could remember and grew up as a pageant girl. Fashion has just always been a part of my life. I loved fashion so much, I wanted to make a career out of it and am currently majoring in Fashion Marketing. My friends know me as a fashionista, and are always coming over to my house to borrow clothes. Anytime there they have a date, or special occasion to go to they call me/skype me asking for advice. I offer so much advice with outfitting, that I finally decided maybe I should make a business out of it and open up my services to other people. 

My business is all about helping people enhance their style, while still staying true to themselves. I am merely here to improve upon your wardrobe, not change it. If you don't feel comfortable in your outfits, then you wont wear them. I am simply, an adviser or guide to helping you dress for success.

Wearing: Delia's blazer, Addidas tee shirt (self-altered), Black leather inset leggings, Jeffery Campbells, && Michael Kors Purse

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

What is Style Coach J??

Hello all you fashionistas!

I am your Style Coach J. Consider me your style coach, personal fashion consultant, or 

stylist. Whatever term you see fit.

My job is to advise in guide you in the wardrobe department, to help create the best 

possible outfit for your audition. Your success in the entertainment industry has a lot to do 

with your "look" or whether or not your the write "type".

I am here to assist you in curate your attire, and outfit to best refine your image to best suit

 your role.

I'm sure your wondering how I am qualify?

 I am currently majoring in Fashion Marketing at 

a private university, grew up in the beauty pageant arena so dressing nicely has been 

something ingrained into my everyday life, and I have been working in retail since again 


So how to you book with me?

I will offer consultations via Skype for $1 a minute.

Feel free to contact me, or ask any questions.